Saturday, January 26, 2008

Reflections on class discussions

At the end of class a few of us were discussing "TRUTH". My personal reflections center on the fol owing. There is the truth accepted on faith-the sun goes down every evening and the moon comes up every evening. Some truths change over time-the positioning of the planets and the changes in classification (the theories of Copernicus or poor planet Pluto). I believe the communication of the truths through written words, oral dissemination, and visual representations (music and dance are to be included) connect us to a past while living in the present and allowing for multiple possibilities of the future.

Bertolt Brecht wrote an interesting essay in the Laughton English Version of his play, Galileo entitled Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties. I mention this essay, not only because of the content, but as an example of the art of Composition. As the art and craft of composition mention must be made on his writing and rewriting of the essay. Originally it only contained 3 difficulties and was titled: Poets are to Tell the Truth. Then as his world around him changed his work became LIVING language.

An examination of the truth in communications as stated by Bertolt Brecht, I believe, follows what we are discovery in English 507. Kinneavy's encoder, decoder, signs, and reality diagram Brecht's essay on truth. He examines the connection between the writer, the reader, and the composition. Connecting our readings with this essay could possibly be the courage to write truth by the encoder using recognizable symbols. A keenness to recognize truth connects writer and audience. The skill to manipulate truth and therefore reality requires a knowledge of a recognizable personal knowledge of the words. Motivation (or what Brecht calls cunning) to write and the genre used requires a judgement on the part of the encoder to select the audience and the medium used to showcase the information. All of these methods find a technique in the study of Composition.

The reader should never forget that it is my belief in the importance of interdisciplinary connections that provides my personal connection with the written word, verbal rhetoric, and visual rhetoric. I offer the following images for books, plays, paintings, prints, as well as an audio book and music based on this play. All these works encourage the audience to know "the story". This story is about imagination and discovery.

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